Still Bitcoin Cash is a Better Investment

Yesterday’s BTC mini crash is surely a blow to altcoins. In a 24 hour span, BCH recorded a 16 percent lose breaking below $600, crashing stops and confirming the bear break out pattern set by Aug 8 bears. That’s aside from signaling the completion of a retest phase and a probable ignition of the trend resumption stage that could drive prices towards $300. All in all, on chain developments and BTC whale shorts aren’t supportive of BCH. From the Market The cryptocurrency bug is spreading and as a solution that…

ICOs Here to Stay, but ‘Days of a Whitepaper and a Dream’ Are Over

In a recent interview with Cointelegraph, Brian Kelly, the founder and CEO of digital currency investment firm BKCM LLC, said that Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) are around to stay, but with some changes. Apart from running of an investment firm focused on cryptocurrencies, Brian Kelly also provides money management services and consults on digital currencies. Kelly is also the author of “The Bitcoin Big Bang – How Alternative Currencies Are About to Change the World.” Speaking on whether ICOs as a form of fundraising will end soon, Kelly suggested that…

IBM Introduces ‘World Wire’ Payment System on Stellar Network

IBM has launched a blockchain-based payment system called Blockchain World Wire. According to IBM, the new payment network uses digital currency on Stellar’s blockchain to “clear and settle cross-border payments” in near real time. The Stellar network is a distributed, blockchain-based ledger that facilitates cross-asset transfers of value. Like Ripple, Stellar can handle exchanges between fiat-based currencies and digital assets. Using this protocol, IBM wants to make it possible for financial institutions to move money quickly and reliably, while cutting off intermediaries and complexities associated with traditional international payment systems.…

Lightning Is Made at the #LightningHackday Series in Berlin

As the birthplace of the Chaos Computer Club, the hometown of the mother of all hackerspaces, and what many of the world’s leading privacy activists consider to be a bit of a safe haven, Berlin may be the the strongest center in the world for hacker culture. Maybe that’s what makes the German capital a fertile breeding ground for the ongoing series of Lightning Hackdays (stylized as #LightningHackday). Introduced earlier this year, the series continues to grow, with the third event taking place last weekend. “The first edition in April…

Lightning Ramp and Casa Join Hands to Develop the Casa Lightning Node

The team behind Lightning Ramp, a system that provides customers with faster bitcoin payments, has joined forces with Casa, a “be-your-own-bank” product that provides users with a multi-signature, multi-hardware device and multi-location wallet designed, to offer top-notch security against attacks and theft. Together, both ventures are working to create the Casa Lightning Node, a platform designed to solve many problems associated with Lightning Ramp. Debuting in February 2018, the Lightning Ramp was built to help exchanges connect with the Lightning Network, thereby giving millions of customers access to speedy Bitcoin…

European Parliament Members, Blockchain Experts Meet to Discuss ICO Regulation

Members of the European Parliament along with blockchain experts met Tuesday, September 4, to discuss possible regulations for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). At the recent EU event entitled “Regulating ICOs — Is the Crowdfunding Proposal what we were looking for?” the attendees examined the potential complications currently arising in the ICO industry. Ashley Fox, a British Member of the European Parliament, pinpointed three main issues to consider at the meeting: challenges faced by ICOs in raising capital, the existing regulatory approaches on the matter, and the future perspectives of the…

Winklevoss Twins’ Company Files New Patent for Securely Storing Digital Assets

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss’ company has filed a new patent for “securely storing digital assets,” the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) revealed Tuesday, September 4. The Winklevoss IP, LLC patent, entitled “Systems and methods for storing digital math-based assets using a secure portal,” includes a new method that allows for the division of a digital asset account “into a plurality of private key segments,” providing more secure technology for cryptocurrencies. The patent states: “Private keys for a multi-signature account may be stored as backups, e.g., in secure storage, which…

Why Bitcoin Gold Got Delisted From Bittrex

Crypto exchange Bittrex is set to delist Bitcoin Gold (BTG), a hard fork of Bitcoin (BTC), by Sept.14, after details of an $18 million hack of the BTG network in May emerged this week. How unexpected was this announcement coming from the exchange, and what are the chances for BTG now that it has found itself in the midst of yet another scandal? “One CPU one vote” ideology: How Bitcoin Gold was created Bitcoin Gold (BTG) is a hard fork of Bitcoin (BTC). It splintered off the original blockchain on…

Swiss Blockchain Company Gains Regulator Approval, Seeks Banking License in 2019

Swiss blockchain startup Smart Valor has won approval from the country’s regulators to operate in the local financial market, Reuters reported September 5. Smart Valor will be regulated by the local Financial Services Standards Association (VQF) rather than the national regulatory agency, the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). The VQF is authorized by FINMA to check anti-money laundering (AML) compliance. Status as a regulator-approved financial intermediary will purportedly give Smart Valor more credibility, as it will be actively supervised for AML compliance. However, it was not clear whether other blockchain-related…

IBM Launches Stellar-Based Blockchain Payments Platform

Computing giant IBM has launched a blockchain-based financial solution that it says has the potential to completely upend the existing status quo in global payments and remittances. The new solution called ‘IBM Blockchain World Wire‘ combines the Stellar blockchain with digital assets to make instant money transfers possible of a guaranteed value possible. In July, CCN reported that IBM backed a dollar-pegged stablecoin issued by Stronghold on the Stellar network. In the same month, IBM announced that it was involved in an environmentally friendly crypto project also built on Stellar. The new Stellar-based platform…